The ½" Thread Weldless Thermowell 100mm can be used with any Kegmenter, Keggle, Brew-Pot, Boiler and other various Brewery hardware, giving the Brewer an accurate core temperature of the vessel.
The ½" Thread Weldless Thermowell can accommodate a probe up to 7mm ID.
The Thermowell has a 7mm bore so it's ideally suited to any probe type up to 7mm. Most probes are 6.5mm or smaller in diameter meaning they will fit nicely into this well.
Additional Information:
The design also includes a coupling nut which allows the thermowell to be more versatile as it will also suit a Bi-Metal Temperature Dial, Temperature Controllers, in both short stem and long stem units.
This is a weld-free design so all that is required is to drill a 20mm hole and then file the hole out a fraction.
The Thermowell will fit right into the hole with no welding required.
The threads have been designed to be sanitary, so just tighten the nut against the vessel wall - none of the threads will be exposed to liquid.
The soft silicon seals will seal against curved surfaces of the pot or vessel being used.
If a really smooth hole is required in the vessel wall, it is recommend that a Step Drill Bit is used to make the 20mm hole.